Media Editor Window
The Change media source button allows to access the Media Editor:
Through this window, you can add or edit three different types of media:
In order to add an image, the stroy editor can click on the Images tab in order to switch to the images section. In this section of the media editor window, with a click on the Add button
, it is possible to define the image settings.
In particular, it is possible to insert the following parameters:
The Source of the image (its URL)
The Title of the image
The Alternative text, that appears if the link is broken
A Description, used to explain the contents of the image. The description is available in the images preview list and, if the image is added as content in the Pharagraph section, in the Immersive section or in the Media section, under the image, as follows:
- The Credits, displayed on the bottom-right of the image
Source and Title are mandatory fields.
With a click on Save , the image is included in the list of the available images ready to be selected for the current story. The image also becomes immediately available on preview.
It is always possible to change the image settings through the Edit button also in a second time.
Once selectd in the list, the image can be included in the story by clicking on the Apply button .
In order to add a video, the stroy editor can click on the Video tab in order to switch to the videos section. In this section of the media editor window, with a click on the Add button
, it is possible to define the video settings.
In particular, it is possible to insert the following parameters:
The URL of the video
The Title of the video
A Description, used to explain the contents of the video. The description is available in the viedos preview list and it can appear under the video itself if the video is added as a content of a section (Pharagraph section, Immersive section or Media section)
The Credits, displayed on the bottom-right of the video
Video URL and Title are mandatory fields.
With a click on Save , the video is included in the list of the available videos ready to be selected for the current story. The video also becomes immediately available on preview.
Once selectd in the list, the video can be included in the story by clicking on the Apply button .
To add a map to the story, the story editor can click on the Maps tab and so swich to the map section of the Media Editor. Here the list of maps ready to be used for the story is available: the editor can search and select a map in the list to apply it in the story or create a map from scratch by clicking on the Add button
to open the Map Editor.
Once the map is ready, the story editor can click on Ok button to proceed with the next step and therefore insert the related map metadata like Thumbnail, Title and Description.
The description is available in the maps preview list and it can appear under the map itself if the map is added as a content of a section (Pharagraph section, Immersive section or Media section).
With a click on Save button the map is saved and it will be available in the list of the Current Story maps. The story editor can select it to be used as a map component in the story by clicking on Apply button
By default a drop down list on the top right corner of the Media Editor allows to switch between maps currently used in the story (so the story editor can use again a map already present in the story if needed) and existing maps already available inside the MapStore catalog (that means that also classic maps created in MapStore can be used inside a Story).
Below is an example of a Map used as a background of a Title Section: