Paragraph Section
The Paragraph Section allows to insert a textual content to the story. The story editor can also click on the button to add additional contents to this section (like media, other paragraphs or embed third party contens). It is possible to choose between:
Text Content
to add another text content just below the current one
Media Content
to open the Media Editor to add an image, a map or a video.
Web Page Content
to add an external web page
Text Content
By default, as soon as a Paragraph is added, an empty text content is already present as a placeholder and the content toolbar allows to:
- Change the size of the text content: clicking on the Change Size button
a dropdown menu appears to allow selecting between Small, Medium or Full size:
- Delete the Paragraph Section through the Remove button
The editor can write a text by clicking on the text content and customize it through the Text Editor Toolbar. A possible result of adding and formatting the text can be the following:
Media Content
Adding a media content, the Media Editor opens to allow adding the supported media (like Image, Map or Video).
An image added inside the paragraph section can be customized through the Image Content Toolbar. Below is an example of a small, center-aligned image, just below a text content:
A video added inside the paragraph section can be customized through the Video Content Toolbar. Below is an example of a video, just below an image content:
A map added inside the paragraph section can be customized through the Map Content Toolbar. Below is an example of a large, center-aligned map, just below an Image content:
Web Page Content
Adding a web page content, the Web Page Windows opens allowing the user to add the URL of an extenal web page. A web page added inside the paragraph section can be customized through the Web Page Content Toolbar. Below is an example of a medium, center-aligned web content, just below a map one: